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Pandemic-Proof Your Law Firm to Face Covid-19 With Digital Solutions

Pandemic-Proof Your Law Firm to Face Covid-19 With Digital Solutions

As Covid-19 continues to paralyze global economies, businesses are forced to grapple with the realities of a world in which “business as usual” is no longer possible for the foreseeable future.

With each industry facing its own unique challenges in moving forward beyond the virus’ effect on business, the legal industry is finding itself no different.

Currently, law firms, in a number of nations affected by movement restrictions, are forced to quickly adapt to remote working solutions.
Additionally, fundamental changes in the way firms are able to engage with clients pose new challenges to remaining profitable despite the pandemic.

Thus, it is necessary for law firms to begin preparations for practicing law in the time of Covid-19.

With that said, let’s explore three digital solutions for pandemic proofing your firm to meet the challenges of Covid-19.


Cultivate Virtual Work Spaces

The ability to remain efficient without access to centralized working spaces is now critical for law firms, especially those operating within areas of government mandated movement restrictions.

So, remote work solutions are quickly becoming a necessary operational facet of a number of firms.

This makes finding the right set of digital solutions to support your firm during remote operation all the more important.

And with many options available to your firm, finding the right tools does not need to be that difficult.
Tools such as Zoom allow your team to stay connected and engaged with each other within virtual meeting spaces.

Alternatively, Skype and Google Hangouts offer firms similar functionality for digital conferencing.

Though, ease of access shouldn’t diminish the necessity of such tools as the covid-19 situation continues to unfold.

The ability to cultivate digital work spaces into efficient channels of communication better prepares your firm to withstand the possibility of long term remote operations in the near future.


Cloud-Based Collaborations

In addition to maintaining a clear channel of communication, proficiency in collaboration between teams, as well as departments, will become a deciding factor in a firm’s ability to face the challenges of Covid-19.

Fortunately, a number of team collaboration tools are available on the market.

This has made it a bit easier for firms to work together regardless of physical distance.

Tools such as Trello or Slack allow firms the ability to track work while facilitating task specific communications, both of which empower teams to remain a collaborative effort.

For firms that would prefer an industry specific solution, CoreMatter was designed to give firms the ability to access their client matters remotely.

Regardless of which tools your firm chooses, it is important to note that when used in combination with a virtual work space, online collaboration tools help your firm remain interconnected and interdependent upon each other despite the need for remote solutions.


Diversify Within Digital

While the above may address the best ways to maintain as much of a “business as usual” approach as possible, let’s explore a necessary change your firm may need to make given the current circumstances.

As a large portion of most firms’ profits are tied to their operations that require face time, restrictions upon social gatherings bring a potential disruption to a firm’s ability to bring in new business as well as execute necessary operational functions.

This being the case, it may become necessary for firms to begin, or renew focus upon, new efforts of maintaining income and client acquisition.

Exploring opportunities within digital consultation and digital marketing allow firms to develop practices that will help maintain the billable hours needed to remain profitable while maintaining viable leads for client acquisition.

For firms that want to begin expanding their digital marketing efforts, our pieces on PPC Marketing and Youtube Marketing for the Legal Industry provide a foundation to build your firm’s strategy.

Beyond offering a respite from Covid-19 concerns, understanding the role of digital solutions within modern law will be something that legal firms carry with them beyond the current situation.


With the above considerations made to firm’s operations, it becomes possible for your firm to face the challenges of Covid-19.

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And if your firm is ready to take on a new digital decade of legal practice, it’s time for CoreMatter.
CoreMatter, the leading cloud-based case management tool in SE Asia, frees your firm from the mess of the mundane to focus on what matters most. 

To see what CoreMatter can do for your firm visit our sign up page and receive one FREE MONTH of service when you sign up today!