LegalTech And Your Future
When we speak about innovation, it is often with the tone of new change which can cause change within the industry.
Though, as that word has become somewhat of a buzzword, thrown around by startups over the years, it may have lost its effect within some firms.
So, rather than wrestle with the merit of the term within spaces, let’s look towards a word that should hold weight with every firm, regardless of size, future proof.
The ability to ensure that your firm, your services, and yourself do not become obsolete in the future.
While a word that is often used extensively in tech circles, future proof is finding its way into new industries in which innovation is causing a disruption to the norm.
Spurred by the current pandemic, tech has found itself becoming an increasingly a major component of many firms SOPs as a means of staying solvent during the crisis.
This has made the need to stay not only up to date but also ahead of the curve as to stay competitive in an increasingly competitive industry.
Which is what brings us to the question:
How can you future proof your firm?
Future Proof Firms
So, how can you future proof your firm?
Well, by utilizing future proof tech, more specifically LegalTech that has been designed to help your firm leverage technology in a way that allows your firm to continue focusing on what truly matters.
Tools such as software that allows your team to shift focus away from sifting through numerous documents to simply find evidence, software that automates the process of handling invoicing of clients as well as the disbursements of funds, and the like.
As Catherine van der Meulen wrote:
So, what can we learn from the likes of Patagonia and other brands that have built future proof growth strategies for their business underpinned by purpose?
They ALL have a strong Why and Purpose: Do you know the purpose of your organisation – the Why? As Simon Sinek likes to call it in his famous TedX talk titled “Start with why – how great leaders inspire action”. Connect and engage with the Why and the Purpose beyond profit – does it all feel right, authentic and the truth of why you do what you do?
They BUILD products and services around the needs and desires of their customers not trying to create and sell something that the organisation just wants to sell.
They take a LONG TERM and holistic view of their business, optimising the now, but making considered decisions for the future.They consider all STAKEHOLDERS needs – their customers, their team, their suppliers, the shareholders, government and non-government organisations, the environment, the community and every touch point of the business.
They IMPACT the world in a positive and meaningful way.
All of which tech can help your firm accomplish if utilized correctly.
Questions? Comments?
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